The three kinds of people in the world [NSFW]

Hello again, fellow readers and fixers! Now then, here’s a different take on our usual articles – the three kinds of people in the world. People often talk about what these are when referring to all kinds of topics. Whether it’s about business & office culture, psychology, or just life’s lessons in general. So how, and why do people come up with their ideas of what they are? And what about our take on the three kinds of people in this world? Well, let’s dig in!

Oh, and just to let you know before we begin, we have a NSFW warning in place for this article. It contains explicit language and material which may not be suitable for younger readers. We advise you to exercise viewer discretion before you continue to read through the article.

Who are those three kinds of people anyway?

Well, it depends on who you ask, and what it’s all about! Here are some examples. In a TV interview, Warren Buffett referred to these people about the 2008 financial crash as “innovators, imitators and idiots”. The innovators see opportunities that others don’t, and come up with fresh new ideas. Then the imitators come along, and copy the innovators’ ideas. Sometimes they improve upon the original ideas; other times they make them worse. And then you have the idiots who screw up the innovations they use through greed.

Sometimes, people poke fun at the three kinds of people concept in some way. For example, George Carlin refers to them as “those who can count, and those who cannot”. Those who don’t get the joke would think that there really are only two kinds of people in the world!

Oh, and what if I told you that they consist of flannellers, liars and bullshitters? Basically, flannellers are people who talk in an indirect and evasive manner. They may use flattering language to make themselves (or other people) appear better than they actually are. Or use a mix of truths and half-truths to make what they say seem more palatable than it actually is. Liars know what the truth is, and deliberately deceive others to stop them from finding out about it. And as for the bullshitters? Well, they just spread misinformation everywhere without a care as to what the truth is!

And then there are these…what now?!

Oh yes, I refer to the infamous “dicks, pussies and assholes” speech from the 2004 film Team America: World Police. In the film, during Gary Johnson’s spell of depression, a fellow drunk in the bar offers him some words of advice. He explains the three kinds of people in terms of these three parts of the human anatomy! Gary took it to heart, and used it in his big speech to save the world from the bad guys!

But what’s the BitFIXit take on the three kinds of people?

Good question! We took a good long look at what’s going on in the world, and here’s what we came up with!

  • Renewers – These folks fix up, refurbish or restore everyday items, so that they work like new again. You see them at repair cafes, repair shops, and anywhere else they congregate. They do their best to stop otherwise viable things from filling up landfill sites.
  • Remixers – They take broken, worn and unwanted things and turn them into something totally different. Sometimes they come up with something completely new that others didn’t think of. Other times, they improve upon what’s already out there. But then, there’s a chance that their projects become an unmitigated disaster.
  • Revolters – And these are folks who just buy new, as any sign of usage or a life lived repulses them. You often find them at mainstream manufacturers, planning to make everything obsolete ASAP. All to get everyone to buy new, enrich companies/shareholders and shit up the planet in the process! So yeah, try to resist the temptation to become that kind of person.

And here’s our three kinds of people in the world! Maybe you have your own take on the whole concept, whether it’s some sage advice, or just something wacky. So remember, keep calm and keep on fixing – and remixing stuff for the ambitious folks!