And now for something different: fixing lyrical!

Hello again fellow readers and fixers! We like to change things up every now and then, and today, we’re exploring the world of music! Over decades, many songs tend to focus on themes such as romance, growing up and friendship. Music can be a powerful force in many ways. Songs can lift people’s moods, help them come to terms with loss or breakups, or rekindle memories of past good times.

But what about songs that relate to fixing things in some way? We’ve chosen a selection of songs that might not seem relevant at first, but actually make sense in the context of repairs and maintenance!

George Formby – When I’m Cleaning Windows

Ah yes. Those of us who clear junk off other peoples’ computers for a living (or just as a hobby) will notice parallels with this classic song. The song is about a window cleaner, who sees what various people are doing in their homes as he cleans their windows. Just like when a technician sees what people were doing on their computers as s/he cleans their (windows!) operating systems!

Bagpuss – The Mending Song

And now, here’s a short ditty from the short-lived, yet well-loved classic British children’s TV show. One that Gareth himself fondly remembers! This song is about using glue to fix broken things and make them just like new. Of course, it helps us remember not to just throw away otherwise viable items!

Jack Johnson – The 3 R’s

Now here’s a song that suits us to a tee! This green take on the 1989 song “The Magic Number” by De La Soul is about the three R’s; reduce, reuse recycle. That means we should consume less, reuse viable everyday items, and recycle what we can’t use anymore.

Now, if only we can come up with a five R’s version of the song…

Bob the Builder – Can We Fix It?

Now what list of songs about fixing stuff would be complete without this chart-topping hit song from the early noughties? The theme song from children’s TV series Bob the Builder emphasises teamwork and problem solving in completing projects. The projects on the show primarily feature renovations, constructions and repairs. In the same vein, we repair, refurbish, reuse and recycle computers and IT equipment!

Barenaked Ladies – Duct Tape Heart

We should mention that this isn’t people singing with nothing on here, so please get your minds out of the gutter if you think that way! Anyway, the song is about fixing the effects of a failed romantic relationship. Metaphorically speaking, using duct tape to fix a broken heart gets it working again.

But did you know that duct tape helps keep computers with battered cases going, too? After all, we’ve seen laptops with pieces of case plastics broken off over the years. And sometimes we just can’t find replacement case parts for them anymore. And so, duct tape is the next best thing – oh, and it gives it some waterproofing, too!

Gary Numan – Metal

As far as this song goes, computers, robots and other machines need TLC just as much as we do! The song, “Metal”, is about a machine that desires to be human, but is not quite a human. It ties in with recent advances in technology, where various kinds of implants can aid people in recovery from injuries or disease. For example, pacemakers help keep people with heart problems alive by emitting small electric shocks to maintain a regular heart beat.

If you know any other songs that would fit in with the theme of fixing things, then please let us know in the comments! In the meantime, just carry on and keep on fixing!